sammeln – ansammeln / collect – accumulate
Exhibition: 28.09.–27.10.2019
Sabrina Barbieri
Philippe Mahler
Sara Rossi
Maya Vonmoos
At the center of this exhibit lies the thematization of how to engage with the potential of that which is present. Here, a rather negatively connoted collecting in the sense of accumulation is juxtaposed with a positive collecting, meaning a recovery and guarding of treasures. “I swim in the sea. With the next crawl arm pull, I feel not only the water resistance, but also the plastic bag that has wrapped around my hand. Disgusted, I free myself from it”, writes Sabrina Barbieri, who through oil-painting and colored pencil drawings developed a series of works on plastic floating in the sea.
In Philipe Mahler’s works, the abundance of the shades of colors contrasts with seemingly insignificant gaps: in the midst of the things depicted, a corner can be found, a border, an empty surface that attracts attention. It is comparable to a fermata in music, the persisting on the last note of a sequence that opens up space for a new sequence.
Through photography, Sara Rossi explores the landscape, which she understands both as a space of nature and as a stage of historical events. On display is a botanical archive created in the parameter of architectural zones and parks in the vicinity of Milan, which depicts the cooperation of ecosystems, light, space and time. ‹Ade› (Goodbye) – the title of the work – are the three letters that she found in this way, which she captured by means of plants.
Maya Vonmoos’s work “Mutierte Schönheiten” (mutated beauties) also presents an excerpt from the realm of plants; the ones she collected stem from the huge compendium of natural (Alpine) plants that mutated into a digital herbarium by means of changes to the computer-generated plant material, unusual positioning, forced movement or alienation of the natural environment.