[Translate to English:] Barbara Hennig Marques Pferdinand, 2023 / 2024.
[Translate to English:] Kollektiv RAM: Trickle, 2024.
[Translate to English:] Daniel Züsli: Schulhaus Wiesental, Baar, 2022.
[Translate to English:] Eric Engeler: o.T., 2018.

Into The Distance
14.06. - 12.07.2025

exhibiting artists:

Eric Engeler, Basel
Barbara Hennig Marques, Luzern 
Kollektiv RAM, Zürich - Regula Weber, Antonia Hersche, Maria Bill 
Daniel Züsli, Cham / Luzern 

To gaze into the distance, to venture out, to embark on a journey — the vast world offers countless possibilities to broaden one’s horizons, both in reality and in imagination. Yet, what consequences does traveling have for our environment and society? How and where do we define, discover, or locate these places of longing today? And beyond the conscious decision to set off, there are also circumstances that compel people to leave, to flee. Within this field of tension, the exhibition delves into artistic approaches that explore these various meanings of this theme.