[Translate to English:] Nicolas Vionnet: Family Reunion, 2022.
[Translate to English:] Annegret Eisele: Cut-Out, 2024.
[Translate to English:] Sandra Bucheli: Fetischerei, 2013.
[Translate to English:] Ernst Bösch: o.T.

Can We Forgive?

exhibiting artists

Ernst Bösch, Steckborn
Sandra Bucheli, Luzern 
Annegret Eisele, Basel
Nicolas Vionnet, Zürich 

Believing in each other’s abilities, confiding in one another, and trusting each other form the foundation of human coexistence. Nevertheless, what happens when trust is broken? The question of forgiveness is not only a personal one but also arises in the context of society: After confidence has been lost, can reliance be rebuilt? Or are there situations and opinions so entrenched, that forgiveness becomes impossible?  Here, we ask: can art create and open spaces that reflect on and encourage the questioning of the complex processes of trust, betrayal, and forgiveness?  Can a visual and symbolic consolidation enable one’s own perspective to evolve and transcend the norms of society? In conflict-ridden times, we ask whether through the perspective of art, entrenched perceptions can be broken through, and discourses encouraged.